Our company specializes in:
- Rigging & unrigging of lifting wire ropes and rescue equipment wire ropes, followed by the relevant certificates.
- Complete rigging equipment of sailing boats.
- Product testing and certification services
- Dynamic and static tests of floating towing devices
- Testing of fixed and movable fairways of ferry boats and issue of test certificates
The basic principle and commitment of K&A SYNODINOS SA and the philosophy of each of its executives is to provide its customers with services that fully meet their requirements, comply with the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements and achieve the quality objectives set by the company for each project it undertakes.
In order to achieve the above, the Management:
- Has adopted a Quality Management System (QMS), in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9001:2000, which applies throughout the Company and in all activities that have an impact on the quality of its products/services and customer satisfaction.
- Continuously reviews and improves the characteristics of its products/services, wherever possible, as well as the effectiveness of its Processes and, by extension, of its entire Quality Management System (QMS)
- Sets measurable objectives for quality at the corporate level, at the functional level of departments and/or Processes and in terms of products/services.
- Provides the necessary resources for the smooth, efficient and effective operation of each department of the company.
- Invests in the continuous training, updating and education of its managers to promote quality in every activity.
- Monitors, measures and evaluates critical parameters and Processes to ensure quality